IT SEEMS that I am pretty much into World History again. I have borrowed an economic history book in the library and caught myself thinking of what a switch from feudal system to mercantile capitalist system actually means. Or should I say dreaming of becoming a Renaissance pope? For the Renaissance record, the richest man was the pope. But it is just not right.
The controversies were even more interesting. That the Mona Lisa was da Vinci’s female version, only to rebuke later that there was a documentary evidence that the woman in the painting was a wife of a merchant. The only thing reminds me of the painting was from a cold tablet commercial.
Another was the gender of Billy Shakespeare. Could it be that a woman from the royalty was the one writing for the famed Elizabethan plays? I do not know. All I know is he just wrote a bunch of sonnets and a hefty of comedies and tragedies enough for us to make a written report for our course in Literature. Thanks to Fr. Jack McSherry.
However, the controversial painter Batistta tops them all. Did you know that the famous painter in the late Renaissance happens to be a world wrestling entertainment superstar? Go and switch your channel to Solar Sports. And who would forget the painters – Raphael, Michangelo, Donatello and Leonardo. They were not your average Renaissance painters. They too are Ninja Turtles. Ask Master Splinter.
Just some tips for those guys who love to compliment girls. Don’t ever make the mistake of telling a girl that she got an enigmatic smile, more radiant than the Renaissance painting. And for Pete’s sake, never compare her to the voluptuous Venus in Botticelli’s Birth of Venus.
You might be branded as a dork. Believe me, lines like that do not work.
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JUST LAST week, the Phisix treaded new grounds as it reaches its 1,600 mark in a three year high since January 2001. Apparently, the optimists prevailed. And for me, I hide in shame as I proudly told me fellas that they should expect something gloomy this time around, as we enter into the red alert mode for the obvious fiscal crisis.
People say that the Phisix index will sure be stable and be increasing a few more points. Ah, I say otherwise though. The acknowledgment of our president that we have a fiscal crisis prompted the market to go up but unless there are specific measures, the market will be back at its 1,500 or a 100 points down 1,500.
Expect speculators to come in, and brokers to give a buy signal. In a month or so, you’ll see a lot of them going back to where they committed the blunder. The perennial mistake of buying high and selling low discourages a newbie to the market like me.
I have read that Governor Buenaventura appeared on a discussion with NEDA chief Romulo Neri along side with the cute energy secretary to assure the public that everything is under control. I am just wondering if the good Governor has sought the help of media to pump more money to the economy and retain consumer confidence rather than the monetary measures? Ah, maybe, the functions of BSP Guv and Press Secretary are overlapping? I hope not.
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The Elysium Website is out of business. I do not know what happened but the good news is they have earned $5 for advertisements. I surely will miss my personalized ECG email, which got a room full of bulk mail. ( I wonder if someone just used my email address to subscribe to those cheap porn sites.) and of course, the cool pingpong matrix.
That's just life. Sometimes you win some. Sometimes you lose some. And one truth in here is, nothing is really permanent. But what the heck, as long as Joeuser gives me the necessary space, I will continue to write.
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